Originally from ticket #289.
Dear support,
I’m a participant of ALM team which is responsible for TFS application in Kaspersky LAB.
Today we have announced to project teams that since resent time they’re able to use a special Urban Turtle plug-in in the TFS. Colleagues started try to work with it through TFS Web Access.
As a result we’ve noticed “broken” data in some work items.
Steps to reproduce:
Open project
Navigate to Project Plan tab
Chose an iteration on the left column
Drag work item (User story) threw the screen
Drop work item to the same place(work item remains in the same iteration)
In fact nothing was changed in used work item at all.
Random Bug (no link with the User Story given above) automatically changed values in the field Stack Rank from nothing to a random value
History field in this Bug contains record, that it was done on behalf of the user which was specified in the TFS system field «Changed by ».
We’ve found about 750 bugs with the same issue in this project.
Also, we’ve found a similar problem here: https://getsatisfaction.com/urbanturtle/topics/random_backlog_priority_assigned_chrome_weirdness
Is there any explanation of this case?
If that was the result of any plug-in feature, how can we turn it off?
Can you provide us any documentation for the product (Administration Guide, User Guide)?
Best regards,
Ekaterina Abramova (Vatutina)