
Why is my Bug not showing up under the User Story on the task board after enabling DirectLinks querying mode?

Why is my Bug not showing up under the User Story on the task board after enabling DirectLinks querying mode?  I put the <Querying Mode="DirectLinks"/> line under the features element like the Scrum template.   We are using v4.5.

Referring to the post here :


When we were using TFS 2010, there were State "dots" that appeared on the Task Cards in colors based on the configuration mappings.  Did those go away with v4.* in TFS2012.  I still the see the state colors in the mappings but no visual "dot" in the card.



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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Michael,

    I tried the case described in the entry on GetSatisfaction and Urban Turtle displayed the proper hierachy for the work items when the <Querying Mode="DirectLinks"/> instruction was in the configuration mapping file. Note that I added Test Case to the list of visible work items.


    User Story <---Tested by--- Test Case <---Tests--- Bug



    I also tried by linking a bug to a user story with the "Related-To" type link and it that case, the bug did not show up under the user story. My guess is that Urban Turtle will not show the bug as a parent or a children if the link is bidirectional.

    The dots have disappeared in  Urban Turtle 2012. However, with Urban Turtle 4.8, states of work items in the Product Backlog and parent  work items in the Sprint Backlog is displayed on the right side of the card. You can check this blog post to have more information.


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    How did you implement the LinkType to WorkItem Types?  This is what I have but I am unsure about the Test Case -> Bug LinkType

                   <WorkItemType Name="User Story">
                                        <Link WorkItemType="Test Case" LinkType="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Forward" />
                  <WorkItemType Name="Issue" />
                  <WorkItemType Name="Task" />
                  <WorkItemType Name="Bug" />
                  <WorkItemType Name="Test Case">
                                    <Link WorkItemType="Bug" LinkType="????" />



  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Michael,

    You can get the list of links available on a server by using the witadmin command located in your Visual Studio directory. This will give you the full name of the links. The syntax is the following:

    witadmin listlinktypes /collection:[server_url]:[port]/tfs/[collection_name]

    You can get more detais here.

    I did not have to define the link types in the MSF Agile 6 or Scrum 2.1 template to get a result. My understanding is that links are defined by their reference name, followed by a -Forward or -Reverse to define the direction of the link. For example, a Tested By link would be defined Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Forward and it's reverse, Tests, would be defined by  Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Reverse. There is more details about link types elements and how they are defined in Microsoft's documentation here.  I am really not a link specialist but my guess is that these would be the same:

    <WorkItemType Name="Test Case">
    <Link WorkItemType="Bug" LinkType="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Reverse" />


    <WorkItemType Name="Bug">
    <Link WorkItemType="Test Case" LinkType="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Forward" />


    Hope this helps.


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