
4.18.2 Download location

Where can I find the Urban turtle download for 4.18.2 to fix the dragging of work items in the product backlog? The url- still has the 4.18.1 release.


= Urban Turtle 2012/2013 - 4.18.2 - Release Notes =

Release date
  * September 16, 2014

Fixed issues
    * Fix issues with dragging of work items in the product backlog.
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    Vincent Cléroux

    Hi Kendall

    Version 4.18.2 of Urban Turtle introduced a bug that would render Urban Turtle unusable in some specific cases. Version 4.18.3 hasn't been officially released and is currently beta. Only the people affected by the 4.18.2 issue have had access to it and are helping us stabilize it. We expect to release 4.18.3 towards the end of next week or the beginning of the week after.

    Listing 4.18.3 in the changelog is an error on our part. We apologize if it created any expectations.


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