
Value in field Effort does not burn down my chart


I'm new at using Urban Turtle, and I have som problems with my burndown charts. For my tasks and bugs burn downs charts for remaining hours work as expected, but when I look at my burndown charts for efforts, the curve is flat(the same happends with story points). The value in field efforts doesn't effect the chart(I added this field my self both for task and bug). What am I doing wrong?

Best regards,


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    Jonathan Falardeau

    Hello Thore,

    The story points burndown decreases only when the product backlog item's status is changed to done, even if all the task under it are closed.  Is it possible that you are not putting your stories to Done?


    Best regards,


  • 0
    Thore Svenning Tøraasen

    Hello Jonathan,

    And thank you for your answer.

    It is a big possibility that I mix up here. We have Scenarios/User stories(green objects), bugs(red) and tasks(yellow). In this sprint we focus on bugfix and there are mostly bugitems in our sprint board. I have added the field Effort on bugitems(allso tested story points) and gave them effortpoints, but the points do not add up in my chart. We have added more states for the bugitem and adjusted the statusflow, and this might causing the problems(?).

    Best regards,


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