
Urban Turtle menu not showing for new project

I created a new project and the Urban Turtle menu is not showing. TFS is version 2012, Urban Turtle is version Urban Turtle 2012 version, the project was created with the Scrum 2.2 template.

Normally the Urban Turte menu shows to the right on TEST in the web interface but for this newly created project it is not showing. For old projects the menu is showing and for this new project I can access Urban Turtle using direct urls, e.g. http://servername:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/ProjectName/_ProductBacklog.

We have percollectionactivation=true and perprojectactivation=false and Urban Turtle is activated for the DefaultCollection. This project resides in the DefaultCollection.


Can someone help me get the menu showing.




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  • 0
    Erik LeBel

    hi Mathias,

    the config setting you are referring to is for Urban Turtle 3.x on TFS 2010. Version 4.15 of Urban Turtle is a TFS 2012/2013 version and it doesnt use the same configuration mechanism. 

    Have you recently upgrade your TFS and Urban Turtle?





  • 0
    Mathias Ronnlund


    Is at least over a year since we updated TFS to 2012 but Urban Turtle was updated a month or two ago.


    Do you have any pointers as how to do per collection activation when using the above mentioned version of TFS/UT? Is is because we put the configuration in global.settings that the menu is not showing for the new project?


    Best regards,


  • 0
    Erik LeBel

    you could go to the TFS admin page via the little gear in the upper right hand corner near your user name. There should be an Urban Turtle admin tab that is used to configure per-project activation.


    Please let me know if this works.

  • 0
    Mathias Ronnlund

    I can click the gear but there is no Urban Turtle tab on the config page, not for this project nor for a project where UT is working normally. Additionally we want per collection activation and not per project.


    You mentioned earlier that we were using an outdated way to setup per collection activation. Could you point me to the guidelines how to do it with the version we are using?

  • 0
    Erik LeBel

    hi Mathias,

    take a look at the following screen shots. I would venture that if you do not see the tab in the admin page, either you do not have TFS administrator privileges or Urban Turtle is not installed. the administration of per-project/collection activation is managed in this.

    The gear in question must be the gear that is visible from the top-level TFS view, and not the one you see once you've selected a project (eg http://ut4prod01:8080/tfs and not http://ut4prod01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/Urban%20Turtle%20(Leonardo)/_admin)

    TFS web access.bmp
    UT per project admin.bmp
    UT admin.bmp
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